ORANGE & LEMON JAM Edgar Honetschläger, the inventor, co-founder and CEO of GoBugsGo spent January to April 2024 in an orange grove in Naples where the insects were already buzzing…
IN reference to the Walk of Fame in Hollywood. Project commissioned by BIG ART for the BOKU Vienna. Info in German: In 2023, Edgar Honetschläger, founder and CEO…
Invited by GLOBART I realised an Installation at the Pavillon of the gardens of MELK abbey in lower Austria. The show was up from August 30th until October 31st 2023….
is a non profit organisation that strives to keep insects, birds and wild animals in this world.
The Blue Planet
GoBugsGo participation at the H2-Glaspalast, Zentrum für Gegenwartskunst in Augsburg, Germany. From June 19th till end of December 2020.
BEIJING / TAIPEI / VIENNA 2007, short film, installation Film available at BEIJING HOLIDAY is a fairy tale. An ironic adaption of William Wyler’s ROMAN HOLIDAY which featured Audrey…
I Have Time
Vienna 1999-2000 (performance/installation/sculpture)
The Scent Of Snow – YUKIKA
New York 2003 The TALE OF GENJI is a novel written by lady MURASAKI SHIKIBU in the early 11th century describing the court life of Heian JAPAN – the most…
Tokyo / Yokohama 1993/1994 (performance / installation) In 1993/94 I realised the public art project SCHUHWERK in Yokohama city and Tokyo in collaboration with SCAI the Bathhouse. During a performance,…
97-(13+1) – documenta X
Tokyo / New York / Vienna 1996performance / Intervention / short film 12 min / photos -limited editionfirst shown at DOCUMENTA X (curator Catherine David)organizer: Yukika Kudo, photographer: Koki Suetsugu Portraits…
Tokyo / Osaka 1993 In the early 90ies an Austrian supermarket chain ran adds promoting fruit and veggies. I discovered that the poster where printed in silk screen instead of…
In times of Emergency
Installation, Exhibition at the Priesterseminar der Minoriten im Steirischen Herbst 2001 Curators: Johannes Rauchenberger, Alois Kölbl Over the period of one month I covered the floors of my studios in…
Palais Wittgenstein
Vienna, 1990 was a group show together with the painter Elisabeth Plank 1989 I moved from Vienna to NYC. I shared an apartment with James Goldwasser and Karin Sander in…
REICHSKRONE / Imperial Crown of the Holy Roman Empire
Vienna 1989, designed by Edgar Honetschläger, carried out by Michael Schulthes Die Reichskrone ist die Krone der Könige und Kaiser des Heiligen Römischen Reiches seit dem Hochmittelalter. Die in ihren Grundformen aus der zweiten Hälfte des 10. Jahrhunderts stammende Krone geht…
New York 1991 In my loft in Brooklyn, Williamsburg, I set up a shelf. Two plaster balls juxtapointed me and a lady friend of mine as we took various positions…
Vienna 2012 Another step toward the feature Film LOS FELIZ 2016 in combining drawn sets and actors and thereby questioning the concept of central perspective/3D. The first step being Enduring…
Tarzan 2011
Vienna 2011 This installation/movie was a further step on the way to the making of the feature film LOS FELIZ – the first road movie ever shot in a studio…
Enduring Freedom
Vienna 2001 an art installation and a film is an ironic portrayal of the United States in the aftermath of 9/11. AMERICA is represented by a corpulent actor who tries…