I have been portraying people as chairs since 1989 – all in the same technique and with the same intention. The images are carried out with a spatula – red…


is a non profit organisation that strives to keep insects, birds and wild animals in this world.

AUN – the beginning and the end of all things

Tokyo / Vienna 2011 102 min. This project has its own elaborate website. Please visit www.aun-film.com for in-depth information and full credits. Film available at https://vimeo.com/ondemand/auneh ‘AUN – the beginning…


Sicily 2015 Based on the magnificent mosaics in the Villa Romana del Casale in Sicily (320. A.D) ‘320 Filosofiana’ tells the story of the decline of the humanities. It deals with forced relocation…


feature film, ROME / LOS ANGELES / VIENNA 2016, 105 min, DCP 24fps / 1:1,85 / Stereo / 105’ / color / english, german, chinese, italian subtitles available This project has…


Tokyo / Vienna 2000, (film essay) 80 min Once upon a time there was a fisherman who rowed his boat up a river. As he came upon a beautiful peach…


Tarquinia 2012 Kazue is a lawyer from Tokyo who defends individuals from the Japanese Red Army as well as members of AUM Shinrikyo, who planted gas bombs in the Tokyo…


BEIJING / TAIPEI / VIENNA 2007, short film, installation Film available at https://vimeo.com/ondemand/beijingholiday BEIJING HOLIDAY is a fairy tale. An ironic adaption of William Wyler’s ROMAN HOLIDAY which featured Audrey…

Chickenssuit / ERNI

AICHI / VIENNA 2005 – intervention/performance/short film – in collaboration with Willi Mahringer Forget about Dadaism. Believe in Gagaism! … CHICKENSSUIT® was a slick campaign produced for the World Expo in…

The Scent Of Snow – YUKIKA

New York 2003 The TALE OF GENJI is a novel written by lady MURASAKI SHIKIBU in the early 11th century describing the court life of Heian JAPAN – the most…


Tokyo / Yokohama 1993/1994  (performance / installation) In 1993/94 I realised the public art project SCHUHWERK in Yokohama city and Tokyo in collaboration with SCAI the Bathhouse. During a performance,…

97-(13+1) – documenta X

Tokyo / New York / Vienna 1996performance / Intervention / short film 12 min / photos -limited editionfirst shown at  DOCUMENTA X (curator Catherine David)organizer: Yukika Kudo, photographer: Koki Suetsugu Portraits…


Tarquinia 2018, experimental short, 12′ FLUCUTHUKH means LOVE in the Etruscan language – some scientist believe it means SODA WATER though… appearances: Stefan Fauland, Karin Klimitsch, Shinpei Takeda, Yumi Watanabe,…

Trees of life

Stories for a Damaged Planet
10.10.2019 – 19.01.2020
rankfurter Kunstverein


Vienna 2013 83 min. Film available at https://vimeo.com/ondemand/omscheh ‘If you drink this juice you’ll make it to a hundred’ says the young man to his old neighbor, who replies: ‘I…


Vienna 2013, 2’45” Teaser for the outstanding contemporary Music Festival ARCANA in the Austrian mountains by the legendary music wizard Peter Oswald – a festival for maniacs! camera/editor/director Edgar Honetschlägerco-editor…


Vienna 2012 Another step toward the feature Film LOS FELIZ 2016 in combining drawn sets and actors and thereby questioning the concept of central perspective/3D. The first step being Enduring…


Vienna 2013, Water Color on Canvas.  sizes: 135×290 cm / 210×210 cm in western painting, space is created by adding, in the east by omitting. we invented central perspective and…

Tarzan 2011

Vienna 2011 This installation/movie was a further step on the way to the making of the feature film LOS FELIZ – the first road movie ever shot in a studio…

To The Limits – Cast Your Art

artist portrait, Ewa Stern video, Cem Angeli text Edgar Honetschläger – To the Limits Edgar Honetschläger tests the boundaries of the possible, always along the limit in order to question…

Tokyo Plain

(photo essay book) 2008 paperback, 108 pages, 64 color prints,40 stories, 24×24 pagesavailable at www.fotohof.at Editor Tom Meyer Publisher Rainer Iglar und Michael Mauracher Fotohof edition, Salzburg Graphic Design Bernhard…


Brasília 2008, 6 min. Brasilia was planned to have the shape of a cross and ended up being an airplane.SUGAR and ICE, portraits a religious fanatic who covers Brasilia with…


Film Essay, Sicily / Vienna 2003, 60 min, The Sea And The Cake I used to think that GOETHE had written the most boring stories about SICILY – till I…


Rome / Florence / Vienna 2001, 33 min COLORS is a trilogy consisting of THE HISTORY OF CHOCOLATE, dealing with the status of drugs throughout the centuries, MASACCIO, portraying the…

Enduring Freedom

Vienna 2001 an art installation and a film is an ironic portrayal of the United States in the aftermath of 9/11. AMERICA is represented by a corpulent actor who tries…

George in Hollywood

Los Angeles / Vienna 2001, 4min, 8mm/35mm GEORGE is the film-maker’s old trustee and moth-eaten cuddly toy. He plays the lead in a small film in an equally moth eaten…

Isola Farnese

Rome 2001 Trailer for the Austrian Film Festival Diagonale shot in Super 8 in the Isola Farnese/Veijo near Rome appearances: Sabrina Montanaro and Cristiana Briscesewritten and directed by Edgar Honetschläger


Vienna, 1999. found footage, music: anthem of upper Austria Trailer for  FESTIVAL DER REGIONEN, UPPER AUSTRIA ‚DAHOAM IS DAHOAM’  entstand für das OÖ Festival der Regionen im Jahr 1999, das…


Feature Film, TOKYO/ NEW YORK / VIENNA 1997 / 102 min What happens when GREEN TEA meets MILK? Find out as four young urban nomads find themselves in TOKYO –…


New York/Vienna 1996 short film/tv spot 2×45 sec HCN MIAU was a commercial commissioned by the Austrian shoe manufacturer HUMANIC for TV.  HCN MIAU is an Anagram that uses all…